3D Bioprinting is a type of additive manufacturing that prints live structures layer by layer, mimicking the behaviour of natural living systems, using cells and other biocompatible materials as "inks," also known as bioinks. Bioprinted structures, such as an organ-on-a-chip, can be utilised to investigate human body functioning in vitro (outside the body), in 3D. A 3D bioprinted structure has a geometry that is more close to that of a naturally occurring biological system than a 2D in vitro study, making it more biologically relevant. It's mostly employed in tissue engineering and bioengineering, as well as materials science. 3D bioprinting is also being utilised for medication development and validation, and will be used in clinical settings in the future - 3D printed skin grafts, bone grafts, implants, biomedical equipment, and even whole 3D printed organs are all active themes of bioprinting study.
Market Analysis: The global 3D bioprinting market was valued at USD 724.17 million in 2020, and it is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 21.91 percent to USD 2398.27 million by 2026. (2021-2026) Because of its innovative breakthrough in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, the worldwide 3D bioprinting market is predicted to rise. Direct writing, photolithography, microstamping, extrusion, laser writing, stereolithography, electro-printing, microfluidics, and inkjet deposition are all examples of biologically applicable deposition and assembling technologies used in 3D bioprinting.
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