Polymer, any form of natural or manufactured compounds made up of very large molecules, or macromolecules, which are multiples of smaller chemical units or monomers. Polymers make up much of the components present in living organisms, including enzymes, cellulose, and nucleic acids for example. In addition, they form the base of minerals such as stone, granite, and feldspar, and products such as concrete, steel, paper, plastics, and rubber. Polymer chemistry is great at creating a broad variety of polymeric products suited to a large range of applications.
Market Analysis: After rising at a CAGR of 5.1 percent from 2020 to 2025, the global polymers market is expected to reach over $ 750 billion by 2025. Polymer is a widely utilised chemical product in practically every industry, including medical, aerospace, packaging, automotive, construction, electrical appliances, and the medical sector, and as a result, the worldwide polymers market is booming. Because of their great performance, cost-effectiveness, and light weight, polymers are commonly employed as a substitute for metal and mineral-based products.
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